The Livable Law Method: Project Management to Battle Burnout and Reduce Attrition in Solo, Small, and Plaintiffs’ Firms, (2021).
Featured in the US Times, Stars of Entrepreneurship, New York Business Now, Business Sharks Magazine, and Hustle Weekly.
What Does Risk Mean in this New ‘Risky Space Business'?, Maria-Vittoria “Giugi” Carminati, Ed. Brill Nijohoff (2019).
The Laws of Space Flight: A Guidebook for New Space Lawyers, Maria-Vittoria G. Carminati, Matt Kleiman, and Jenifer Lamie, ABA Publishing, August 2012, ABA Best Seller.
Litigation Finance
"Five Common Misconceptions About Litigation Funding," ABA Practice Points (February 22, 2022).
Legal Tech, E-Discovery, and Legal Project Management
“Legal Project Management and Attorney Well-Being: An Underutilized Tool,” The 1891, Colorado Women’s Bar Association Blog (Jun. 23, 2021).
“A New (and Unexpected) Tool for Improving Diversity and Inclusion -- Legal Project Management,” S. Lambreth and M-V. Carminati, PinHawk Legal Administrator Daily (Jan. 6, 2021).
“E-Discovery Starts Before the Complaint Gets Filed,” American Bar Association Litigation Section (Dec. 22, 2020).
“How to Standardize Operations so Your Firm is Prepared for Anything,” Rocket Matter’s Legal Productivity (Oct. 20, 2017).
“Productivity Tips for Lawyers Who Want to Get Home for Dinner,” Rocket Matter’s Legal Productivity (Oct. 11, 2017).
“Gender Bias and Productivity: What Female Lawyers Need to Know,” Rocket Matter’s Legal Productivity (Sep. 14, 2017).
Practice Pointers & Legal Analysis
“Sometimes Life Knocks You Down: Lawyering and Being a Mom, While Running for Office in 2020,” The 1891, Colorado Women’s Bar Association Blog, Dec. 13, 2020.
“Using It. Drinking It. Trading It. A Primer on H2O,” Summer 2016: Water and Climate Change, Int’l Law News, American Bar Association, Vol. 45 No. 1 (Summer 2016).
“Silence is not Golden When it Comes to Whistleblower Law,” Fuel Fix Column, Houston Chronicle (Jun. 8, 2015).
“Tips for Young Lawyers at Mediation,” Commercial & Business Litigation Newsletter, ABA Litigation Section, co-author with Celeste R. Coco-Ewing (May 30, 2014).
“The FRCP 26 Amendments Three Years Later: There’s an Elephant In That Rising Fog!” Commercial & Business Litigation Newsletter, ABA Litigation Section (Summer 2013).
“Texas Venue Transfers Based on Convenience and Justice Come Up Short on Justice,” M.-V. Carminati, A. Waheed, ABA Commercial & Business Litigation Newsletter, Winter 2013.
“Deposing a Witness under the Hague Convention in a Mexican Court,” Proof, ABA Trial Evidence Committee Newsletter, Jan. 3, 2011.
“Case Updates: Airlines Can Be Fined for Transporting Aliens – But Not Permanent Residents – Without Appropriate Documentation Even If They Are Paroled Into the U.S.,” ABA Aviation and Space Law Committee News, Summer 2010.
“Clean Air & Stormy Skies: The EU-ETS Imposing Carbon Credit Purchases on United States Airlines,” Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, Spring 2010.
Space Law
“Space Force: Do we need it and is it legal? It depends.” Circuits, Tex. Bar. Assoc. (Dec. 1, 2018).
“The Prometheus Promise: The Virgin Galactic Crash and the Price of Defying of our Limitations,” SciTech Journal, ABA Science & Technology Section (Spring 2015).
“Who Owns Resources in Celestial Bodies?,” Daily Journal San Francisco, Vol. 120 No. 220 (Wed. Nov. 12, 2014).
"Is Statutory Immunity For Spaceflight Operators Good Enough?," Legislation and Policy Brief: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 2 (Fall 2014).
“‘Doctor, Doctor, Can I Go?” Medical Rules, Standards, and Guidelines for Suborbital Space,’” Cross-Talk: Space Law in Down-to-Earth English, Space Safety Magazine (Mar. 28, 2014).
“French National Space Legislation: A Brief "Parcours" of A Long History,” 36 Hous. J. Int'l L. 1 (Winter 2014).
“The FAA’s Six-Stepped Staircase to Space,” Cross-Talk: Space Law in Down-To-Earth English, Space Safety Magazine (Oct. 3, 2013).
“A 150 Shades of ‘Assumption,’” Cross-Talk: Space Law in Down-To-Earth English, Space Safety Magazine (Sep. 16, 2013).
“A Review of the Principles Governing Arbitrator Pre-Selection Interview,” M.-V. Carminati, ABA Section of International Law Newsletter, 2013, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
“The Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities: A Comparison to the UNCITRAL Rules,” Los Angeles County Bar Association, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2012.
“Sub-orbital Commercial Human Spaceflight and Informed Consent in the United States,” M.-V. Carminati, D. Griffith, M. Campbell, Acta Astronautica (Elsevier Publishing), available online August 18, 2012.
“Breaking Boundaries by Coming Home: The FAA’s Issuance of a ‘Reentry License’ to SpaceX.” ABA Air and Space Lawyer, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2011.
“Commercial Sub-Orbital Human Spaceflight and Informed Consent,” Aviat Space Environ Med. 82(2):144-6, Feb. 2011.
Legal Tech & E-Discovery Blog: Geek Like a Girl,, December 2020-2021.
Social Justice Blog,, 2017-2021.
“Lawyers’ Ethical Duty of Tech Competence: The Ethical Requirements of Proper Document Management and E-Discovery,” Geek Like a Girl (December 2020).